Friday, May 14, 2010

Restful work.

Today, I am writing a massive paper - the last one for my statistics course. It is the culmination of slow progress resulting in new understanding. And I have to admit, at this point, my nerves are a little rattled. I look forward to the rest that is coming, the great gift of rest - the anticpation of rest.
But, I've got admit that I sometimes have the tend to see rest as something empty - you know, like at the end of the semester, when you let all that you've learned fall out of your head as you walk out the door of the exam or as the paper drops from your hand to the desk of your professor.

Rest, rather, is part of completeness, wholeness - the SHALOM of God; it is part of the insitution of His Kingdom, now. I'm thankful that it's meant to be full and restorative, and replenishing - for, in character being so, it honours the work that has been done - the tiny accomplishments made. When God rested on the 7th day of Creation, that day was filled with the fullness of HIM. wow.....

Best yet, rest is not merely a hope deferred until tomorrow evening at midnight (when this lovely paper is sent off to the inbox of my professor). Rather it is now, and it is as inherent and fundamental a drive as work - as I respond, momentarily, to my body's need of water and food and a look out the window.

Rest can be found, in quiet abundance, in the almost imperceptible act of glancing off the computer screen, in the white spaces between words on a page, in the transition between paragraphs and ideas - punctuating work with its gift of space.
  • thankful that rest makes us work better.
  • that work makes us rest better.
  • for cups fresh water.
  • for people who have written 10+ page reports full of numbers.
  • for greater understanding of what those numbers represent :D.
  • for a holy experience

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